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Thursday, 31 May 2012
Samson High School students performed RockSchool Alive
AR reading coach
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Welcome Helpers
- Say to your friends, "See you on Wednesday, July 4th at 1 pm"
- Start saying!
- How many times did you say the welcome message?
- How did you feel being a school librarian?
Attendance helpers
- Pick a symbol that you would like to mark with when a student enters the library: ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼
- Start marking!
- Make a tally at the end
- Record your observations.
- How many students came to the library today?
- How many minutes did you help?
- How did you feel being a school librarian?
Sustained Silent Reading programs (SSR)
High Intensity Practice (HIP)
Positive Outcomes While Enjoying Reading (POWER)
Free Volunteer Reading (FVR)
Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR)
Sustained Quiet Reading Time (SQUIRT)
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Fun Reading Every Day (FRED)
Join the TDSRC
Sunday, 27 May 2012
TD Summer Reading Club update
Students made a list of things they would like to do this summer.
1. Visit and evaluate author websites
2. Share stories
The Story Lab Connection
What's The Story Lab Project?
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Librarians Report for the month of May
Librarians Report
Dear Parents, aunties/uncles and kokoms/mosoms;
We celebrated birds by making bird feeder, swan puppets, bird mazes, bird sounds, and listened to stories about birds. Please visit the following page and watch our students learning about our feathered friends.
Our 5S class is connecting with Kincumber Public School in Australia. Kincumber is one of many lovely suburbs of Gosford. Our students have made postcards for their friends in Australia. We will keep you informed about how the children exchange information across the world. This connection was made via International Federation of Library Associations Sister Libraries. Coming soon are three cool events.
· Thursday, May 31, at 11:50-12:10 pm, Mr. Garvey Soosay and his students from Samson High School will do a Rock and Roll performance at the library. They will also sing Cree songs.
· Tuesday, June 12, is the Accelerated Reading Program Reward party, at the Leduc Pool.
· Wednesday, July 4, 12:30 pm TD Summer Reading Club (TD SRC). I would like to invite you to bring your children to the library for the TD SRC. Our school library will be open from 12:30-4:30 pm on the following Wednesdays in July and August.
July 4, 11, 18*, 25
August 8, 15, 22
* Wednesday, July 18, COW Bus will be coming to our school.
What questions do you have about your children's library program?
Manisha Khetarpal
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Elelmentary School Reading activities
Students who read, succeed!
Students who read, succeed!
During the week of June 11-14; each student will receive a reading package, which includes:
1. An invitation for each child
2. A full-colour poster for each child
3. An activity booklet for each child that contains a story, book suggestions for all ages, crosswords, riddles, crafts, recipes and log sheets. The story on the first page of the activity booklet describes the theme. The activity book also includes space for the stickers, and a game board. The log sheets are for recording titles of books read over the summer.
Our school library will be open from 12:30-4:30 pm on the following Wednesdays in July and August.
July 4, 11, 18*, 25
August 8, 15, 22
* Wednesday, July 18, COW Bus will be coming to our school.
Join the TD Summer Reading Club at the Ermineskin Elementary School.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Shelisha is the winner of the May 14 My favourite word draw
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Join the TD Summer Reading Club this summer at your school library
Students, 12 and under, who register with their school library for the TD Summer Reading Club receive a poster, stickers and an activity book all free as a part of their reading kit.
Imagine a summer of books, games and activities that will give free rein to young people's imaginations. Be sure not to miss the TD Summer Reading Club. It will be wonderful and fantastical.
Join the Summer Reading Club today at your school library.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Reading achievers and medal winners May 8
The Library as Genius Bar
In Mercy High's iPad program, librarian Linda Behen offers tech support and more
When the class of 2016 enters Mother of Mercy High School this fall, each of the 135 freshmen will receive a new iPad. That's part of the school's mission: to help students access the technology best suited to their needs, according to Linda Behen, the school's library media specialist.
At Mercy, an all-girls Catholic school in Cincinnati, OH, they call this "tech-agility," says Behen (pictured). She helped support a spring 2012 pilot in which 20 current freshmen received iPads.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Print materials and elements part of TD Summer Reading Program 2012
• A full-colour poster for each child who registers in the program.
• Nine colour stickers for each child. Stickers can be given out each time
reading is accomplished and recorded or they can be given out all at once
depending on library staff preference.
• An activity booklet for each child that contains a story, book suggestions
for all ages, crosswords, riddles, crafts, recipes and log sheets. The story
on the first page of the activity booklet describes the theme. The log
sheets are for recording titles of books read over the summer. Additional
log sheets can be downloaded from the Forms section on the website.
This year, the activity book also includes space for the stickers, and a
game board.
• New this year is a preschool activity booklet, which provides an age appropriate
booklist, activities related to the six Ready for Reading skills
(see page 29), and also a matching game in the centrefold intended to be
used with the stickers.
• An invitation for each child that is designed according to the theme.
Invitations can be distributed to schools, sent to community outreach
locations or given to children who visit the library. If possible, invitations
should be distributed before the end of the school year in June.
• All of the above print materials are free to children who register for the
Page 9 of TD SRP manual