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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

You + Reading = Prizes!

Ermineskin Elementary School Library is pleased to host the FREE 2012 TD Summer Reading Club! This year’s theme is IMAGINE. I am sure my dear students are enjoying the posters, stickers and an activity booklet!

To celebrate summer reading, students and their families are invited to drop-in at the school library on Wednesdays in July and August from 1 to 4 pm and enjoy reading, play word games and related activities

You + Reading = Prizes!

For each book you read, you will receive a sticker. Each sticker has a code which is the key to FUNtastic games. We will hold weekly draws over the summer for readers to have a chance to win lots of prizes!

Read 9 books and post your name on the  9 Books Reading Wall of Fame.

Make storymaps, bookmarks, book trailers, and break your own reading goals!

And it gets better…

Because an Ermineskin student reader is a winner!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Summer Reading Club hours

Our school library will be open from 12:30-4:30 pm on the following Wednesdays in July and August.

July 4, 11, 18*, 25
August 8, 15, 22
* Wednesday, July 18, COW Bus will be coming to our school.

Join the FREE TD Summer Reading Club at the Ermineskin Elementary School.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

The ABCs of Improved Reading

In order to keep kids learning over the summer months, the most effective thing teachers can do is to get parents on board with their child's learning.  Here are a few suggestions for teachers to pass on to parents to increase summer reading, using The ABCs of Improved Reading:
Access to books.  It is important to give children access to a wide variety of books.  Make a family trip to the local library and have everyone sign up for library cards.  Kids will love the sense of importance and responsibility signing up for a card will give them as well.
Books that match readers' ability levels and interest.  Let them choose to read about topics that interest them. As their skills grow, make sure the books children read continue to challenge (not frustrate) them.
 **To test whether a book is above a child's reading ability, use the five-finger rule.  Have a child read 100 words from a book of their choosing.  Ask them to raise a finger for every word they don't know.  If they raise five fingers, the book is probably too hard.  In this case, help them find a book on the same topic that is on their level.** 
Comprehension, as monitored and guided by an adult.  This concept cannot be stressed enough:  read with your children!  Encourage them to ask questions.  Ask them questions about the characters and storylines to make sure they understand what is going on.  Summarize chapters for them or ask them to summarize.  Reread harder passages.

Report card for 2012

Reading is a Essential Skill

September 21, 2012:  Essential skills day celebration with a focus on reading and giving away books.

Workshops in the Community

September 28 2012: Screening of films and hands on animation workshop at Ermineskin Mall

Family Literacy
November 22, 2011: COW Bus at the Celebration of Learning
January 26, 2012: Family Literacy Day coffeehouse

Literacy and research

Giving Books, Browsing and Book Fairs
November 23, 2011: Every child takes home a book
February 16, 2012: Book Fair


November 5, 2011: Remembrance day celebration
  February 21, 2012: Around the world game to celebrate UNESCOs International Mother Language Day. Playing with words.
March 9, 2012: Making rainbows, leaf friends and color creations
April 23, 2012: Earth day celebration, tree planting
April 26, 2012: Poem in Your Pocket Day
May 4, 2012: Celebrating Birds
March 21, 2012: Career week celebration: Grade 5O students are learning about making films (storyboarding, location, checklist etc,)
November 9, 2012: Remembrance day postcard campaign participation by our students. 

February 7, 2012: Story of Canada presentation

Comprehension and Storytelling
February 24, 2012: Book Award


Authors and author readings
March 1, 2012: Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration
March 28, 1 pm: Grade 5S students learning how to get their work published
April 11, 2012: Giller Prize finalist instructs budding writers in Hobbema

Reading Rewards
March 10-15, 2012: Grade 3A   Achieving their reading goals
2011: Accelerated Reading program

Learning with Art
March 2012: Grade 6M   Learning with art

Energizing students

Bookclubs and Reading Circles

Summer Reading Club
TD Summer Reading Club 2012

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Reading recommendations

Class 1L and 3S


Watch the distribution on TDSRC literacy materials by the teachers to their students in their class

Grade 2l:


Monday, 4 June 2012

100 colouring books from Statistics Canada Fw: RE: Thank you

Sent: Wed, 04 Jul 2012 16:44:56 -0700
Subject: RE: Thank you

Hi, Manisha

I hope all is well with you. I have at least 100 more colouring books and crayons if you are interested.


Connie LeGrande
Advisor, Aboriginal Liaison Program
Western Region and Northern Territories /Statistics Canada

300 - 10158 103 Street N.W/ Edmonton, AB T5J 0X6
P:780.495.5145 / F:780.495.3026

2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey
The Future Matters!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Thank you letters

Thank you letters written by Grade 2 Ermineskin students for Samson high school students.

TDSRC Progress update

TD Summer Reading Club progress update

Administration (April)
Did a TDSRC concept proposal and presented it school principal to approve the pilot summer reading club (TDSRC).

National and Regional Club team (May)
Got the materials from regional library system and Library and Archives Canada.

Teachers (May)
Principal emailed the proposal to teachers. Cool idea. Consensus: Go for it.

Students (May)
First, students had a brainstorming session about what they would like to do at the Summer reading club? Then, they colored the poster. Wow! they made rainbows, Some of them used hearts and made it like a fish with a blurb.  I have many of these posters posted by the kids on the library door and if we get the kids excited and engaged they will come and read.

Launched the program at the Ermineskin school library (May 31)
RockSchool Live concert by high school students from the Samson band.  (Community partnership and relationship development with Samson high school Band.)

Parents (May 31)
Sent the SRC information to parents home Newsletter

Teachers (June)
Engaged the teachers by asking them to present their best ideas and activities from their class for centers  (Ideas generated: Pointillism, mosaics pictures using tissue paper, candle holders using jars, cereal boxes or cracker boxes book covers-sandwich beginning, middle and ending./ characters settings, book reports, make words with tiles)

Librarians (June)
Updated the blog, connected with the librarians via email and stakeholders and kept the library community informed.

Marketing and Promotion  (May-June)
Email tag: I have inserted the club information in the signature of my email message and I send out many emails.

Class visits: At each scheduled library class visit to the library in the month of May, I told the students about the TDSRC.

Posters and in the school promotion:  Displayed the posters colored by students on the library door, in the school café, classrooms, bathrooms, and in the library  
·      Brainstorming and coloring expression in teams

June 1:  Students made Thank You* notes for the high school students
·      Writing and coloring expression

June 4: Gave the date and time details to front line office staff  (just in case they receive phone calls from parents)

June 5:  Request students to tape more colored brainstormed students posters in the school

June 6: Date and time for the reading club posted on the front school doors for parents, students and everyone involved.

Our school library will be open from 12:30-4:30 pm on the following Wednesdays in July and August.

July 4, 11, 18*, 25
August 8, 15, 22
* Wednesday, July 18, COW Bus will be coming to our school.

Join the TD Summer Reading Club at the Ermineskin Elementary School.

June 7: Club volunteer job descriptions

June 8: Club volunteer job descriptions emailed to teachers and student sign-up.

June 11: COW Bus date and time confirmed and posted on the doors, washrooms, around the school and given to Grade 1-3 teachers.

June 11: Reading Club distribution of reading packages and teachers tips.
Distributed the activity books and posters to Grade 2K, 2L, 2A, 2D and 3S.
When I visited 3M class they were making a memory book.  Students asked me for an autograph. I signed the message, "See you at the library on Wednesday, July 4th, at 1 pm."

Observation:  Some students started doing the crosswords immediately.  I think students are used to receiving curriculum books and some students start writing as soon as they receive them.

June 12: Students colored the poster and posted them all around the school.

June 13: Student Interest Survey
Students were requested to things they would like to do at the library.

So, what can I do at the library during the Summer Reading Club?

1.         Read new books
2.         Make book covers, bookmarks, book trailers
3.         Do AR reading tests
4.         Write book reviews
5.         Write books
6.         Author studies
7.         Color the activity sheets
8.         Make puppets
9.         Do puppet shows
10.  Visit the imagination stations
11.   Make words
12.  Play games
13.  Do craft activities
14.  Evaluate author websites
15.  Use the library catalog
16.  Come and explore at your school library
17.  Exchange books – Bring a book to share, Show n tell

Our school library will be open from 12:30-4:30 pm on the following Wednesdays in July and August.
July 4, 11, 18*, 25
August 8, 15, 22
* Wednesday, July 18, 1-4 pm, COW Bus will be coming to our school.

Join the TD Summer Reading Club at the Ermineskin Elementary School library.

Observation:  One student asked for paper-pencil and  started writing a book, 'The lost kids.' 

June 14: Students giving Reading Recommendations

A Reading Recommendation


I think everyone should read___________________________________________________________

By__________________________________. It is about_____________________________________________


June 15: SSR
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) programs have a variety of names:

High Intensity Practice (HIP)
Positive Outcomes While Enjoying Reading (POWER)
Free Volunteer Reading (FVR)
Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR)
Sustained Quiet Reading Time (SQUIRT)
Drop Everything and Read (DEAR)
Fun Reading Every Day (FRED)

Student ideas snowball technique
Students wrote the list of things they would like to do on the posters. The librarian typed the things student suggested and this was the student survey.  Students circled their favourite activities. They also added more activities. (I would like to draw an astronaut, read new books,  and write stories.)

Teachers Tips and sharing of resources

Reading Recommendations

Students writing stories - The lost kids

June 15: Communications at internal events via a display table
June 15, 1 pm: Kindergarten Grad day
June 18, 10 am: Parent Volunteer tea
June 19, 1 pm: Student awards
June 22: Staff awards ceremony

June 15: Library trends (School libraries open to take care of the reading loss)

June 15: Student Reading Recommendation Posters
Printed pictures of students with Reading Recommendations posters and gave this to them to take home and display around the school.

Odessa, Youa re awesome. Keep on reading poster.

June 16: Accessed Office of Literacy and Essential Skills toolkit
Developing Partnerships to support Literacy and Essential Skills
This tool is designed to help you develop effective partnerships for supporting Literacy and Essential Skills (LES). It offers a simple four-step process to help you get started and includes tips for building and maintaining successful partnerships.

June 17: Community Partnerships
Sent emails to Prairie Tales cameraless animation, Alberta Health Services for nutritional literacy, and COW Bus

June 17: Puppet Storykits

June 17: Speech language pathologist sharing resources

June 17: Reading Buddies

June 18: Partnership:  Community nutritionist Merv Leibel from Alberta Health Services (AHS) 
Gave us activity books, portion size kits, website for curriculum linked nutritional literacy, health eating cook book and resources for parents and preschoolers.  Mr. Leibel will come with a information kiosk for the COW Bus on July 18, 1 pm.

June 18: Teachers Tips
Cookie sheets and magnetic letters, Cereal box book covers, Making Words templates, pointillism, word search puzzles, puppet storyboard, shaving foam letters, mosaics, word bingos, word searches, etc.

TDSRC Program Coordinators comment:  The staggering approach to distributing materials worked very well. We gave the posters to students in Week 1. Activity books in Week 2.  Book inuksuk Tattoos were distributed in Week 3.   Invitations (with date and time)  were distributed in Week 4-June 18.

June 18, 10 am: Parent and Volunteers Tea
Display Table with posters
Lots of questions by parents. Which library?

June 18, 2 pm: Grade 6 graduation
Display Table with posters

June 19: Community partnerships
Alberta Health Services nutrition, COW Bus, Samson high school music band, Kasohkowew Child Wellness Society (Capacity Development for the Social Workers), internal teachers community, etc.

June 19: Display table in the gathering area
TDSRC Program Coordinators comment:  In the morning the students were taking the posters, tattoos and activity booklets.

June 20: Community board (outside the school)
TDSRC Summer Reading Program
Wednesdays at EES library from 12:30-4:30, July 4 - August 22

TDSRC Program Coordinators comment:  The process of informing our students is literacy in itself. The questions parents asked were: Will there be games? Which library? So, we said you can visit the neighboring public libraries and at our EES Elementary School Community library.

Next step: 
Promote at the June 20 Powwow