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Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Librarians report to the school community (September 2012)


Welcome to the Ermineskin Elementary School Library. During class visits to the library we read, 'Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth, Treaty days by Joan Pedersen, and poems written by Shel Silverstein.'

We celebrated 'Reading is an Essential Skill' day on September 21. Thank you for participating and for reading with your children.

Library's take-home program for Grade 5 and 6 students has started and if you would like your child to be enrolled in this program then please sign the permission slip and give it to the teacher.

We have started a simple learning to use the library lessons such as, 'How do I find the books in the library? Call numbers and Organization # 1'. Watch out for our October lesson, Trick OR Treat # 2 Boolean Operators. If you would like to receive library lessons by email then please come in the library and give us your email address.

Thank you for encouraging your children to take Accelerated Reading tests at home. Week 2: 485 books read; 758,968 words read.

Indigo Love of Reading Foundation has adopted our school. Please go to and adopt Ermineskin (it costs you nothing and Indigo will donate books for every adoption). Week 1 update: 68 adopters, 122 books given to our school.

